Saturday, June 6, 2020

According to the Study in Oxford Hydroxychloroquine is Not Effective for Corona!

Coronavirus has currently no vaccine or medicine that effectively eliminates the infection. A ray of hope was briefly seen as Hydroxychloroquine was touted to work against Covid-19. 

Hydroxychloroquine is used as medicine against covid-19 but it has many side effects like blurred vision or other vision changes, which may be permanent in some cases, heart disease, including heart failure and issues with your heart rhythm; some cases have been fatal, ringing in your ears or hearing loss, angioedema (rapid swelling of your skin), severe hypoglycemia. 
According to study occurred in oxford, the drug is not helping the patients. 

In this study, more than 11,000 patients were given variety of treatments, some of which involved use of Hydroxychloroquine. After 28 days, it was found that 25.7 per cent of the patients on Hydroxychloroquine had died as compared to 23.5 per cent patients who were given usual care. Statistically, this difference is so small, it could have occurred by chance. 

These results “convincingly rule out any meaningful mortality benefit,” leaders of the study at Oxford were quoted as saying by ABC news. 

Hydroxychloroquine has been long used to treat malaria but its effectiveness against Covid-19 is still under question. One of the side-effects of Hydroxychloroquine is heart rhythm problems. 
Results of this study have not been published as yet. 

The World Health Organisation (WHO) is currently carrying out study on effectiveness of Hydroxychloroquine against coronavirus. WHO chief scientist Dr. Soumya Swaminathan was quoted by ABC News as saying that WHO will consider results of Oxford study when they are available but for now WHO will continue with its own study. 


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